Upon arriving at the apartment we reserved in Kristiansand, Nelly, the owner/manager, told us she’d like to move us to a different apartment — one without stairs. My mother can climb stairs, but it’s better if she saves her energy for walking around interesting places. We appreciated Nelly’s thoughtfulness.
She packed our suitcases into her van and we rode up front with her while she gave us a brief car tour of the places we might want to see. The tour helped me see the places I had visited in Google street view, and I knew we could walk around and I wouldn’t get lost or cause us to take a longer than necessary detour.
When we arrived at the apartment it turned out to be an old house that Nelly has converted into 3-4 apartments. Ours is on the ground floor with a patio overlooking a small park where locals bring their kids and dogs for exercise.
The apartment is much nicer than the one we reserved. The polished stone floors are heated from below. The kitchen has black granite countertops with flecks of color shining from within. There is a gas fireplace in the living room. The bathroom has white stone walls and floor. An enormous TV (40″?) sits in the corner of the living room. But one of the best

This friendly kitty has the thickest fur I’ve ever seen. He must be comfy outside on frigid Norwegian nights.

Boss happily chased his old ball for at least half an hour this afternoon. His person said before they come to this park every day they walk in the large park up the hill for an hour. Lucky dog! She said Boss likes to run, chase his ball, and cuddle.
features is that this apartment has Internet which the other one lacked. Woo hoo!
I’ve been texting Bruce, Kayta, and Christy about the University of Washington graduation ceremonies which happen only a week after I return. It would have been hard to go without Internet this whole week and most of next week, because our fjord apartment (the next one) doesn’t have Internet. So, I’m very happy.
Nelly is adding onto the front of the house. The new space adds a large patio outside and a reception room with a coffee room above. It will be done in a month. She enjoys gardening, and has tulips in unusual colors, many with the multiple petals and curly edges. She has clematis, violas, salmon colored petunias, roses just beginning to grow, dianthus, rhododendrons, and more.